Saturday, January 24, 2009

Living in God's country.

It sure is rough having to live in the desert this time of year. It's right around 75 degrees with some clouds floating around. Nice gentle breeze. I just came in from having a cigar and was perfectly comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt.

I have a new neighbor behind me now. We just turned it into a truck driver neighborhood. He drives and so does his son-in-law. The last person in that house just let it go back to the bank and the new one got it for a song. He paid roughly a third of what the bank had in it. Good time to buy houses here if you can sit on them for a couple of years.


TyMax said...

We only got s dusting of snow today, the morning high was 12F but the basement is warm with the nice ceramic space heater.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what an ice cover palm tree with sun at its back looks like.