Monday, September 29, 2008

A title for David

It's good to see but maybe just a bit scary that the house voted down the bailout today. Some of them actually listened to the people they supposedly represent.

Typical of the Republicans to come out and blame Pelosi's speech of last night as the reason for the failure of the bill to pass. Pelosi came out and blamed the Republicans for the failure when 95 of her own voted against it.

Politics as normal. Now let's see where it goes from here.


TyMax said...

It is not good for all till it is tweaked. The downside if nothing is not a good thing.

Shadowscapestudio said...

Put titles on your posts, else they don't show up on RSS feed.

The stock market took a crash over it, but it will settle down.
I hope they don't squirm the bill through. It will only benefit the very rich and the big companies, and reward them for doing a piss poor job.

Unknown said...

OK David I put a title on it but now what's an RSS??

Shadowscapestudio said...

Up in the URL bar at the top of the page is an orange box with curved orange lines in it. Over on the right side, nest to the star.
If you click on that you can check a box or something that lets you receive RSS feed on that persons blog.
What that means is in your bookmarks, all you need to do is put your cursor on the link and it will display new posts that you have not read. If there is nothing new posted you don't have to click on the link and open it up to find out there was nothing new.
You will like that feature.
Just remember it will create a new bookmark for the link, so your old one will not work that way.

Unknown said...

I must have done it wrong or something. No new bookmark appeared.

Shadowscapestudio said...

I don't think you can add it after the fact and make it work. I had already opened the story.

Shadowscapestudio said...

It showed up on the RSS feed as a new post!

TyMax said...

I use RSS for picture feed from Photopoints on my blog. I think I am Oscar's beta observer.